LCCHS Wolf Talk
The LCCHS Reunion over the holidays was a huge success, with over 2000 former students and teachers attending the various events during the week. We would like to thank all organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and everyone who attended. Profits from this event will go towards scholarships for LCCHS students for years to come.
On January 26th, LCCHS will be hosting a Hawaiian dance for students and guests. Tickets will be 5$ (4$ early bird special from January 10-16) and all profits will be donated to the Montreal Children's Hospital, a very worthy cause.
The winter sports season has resumed, and our first ever swim team will be competing on Januyary 17th. Coach, and former 2 time Olympic kayaker, Marie-Josée Gibeau has the challenging task of starting out this new endeavor in the school, but is confident it will grow over the years.